• About Us

  • Welcome to The Coventry!

    The Hilliard-Rome Road Homeowners Association AKA "The Coventry" (HOA) is a not-for-profit business that operates on a fixed budget and files annual taxes just like any other business. It has a board of trustees, made up of officers, elected by the members of the community, to oversee and execute the transactions of this business.

    The HOA was started in 1990 as a result of the requirements set forth in the deeds for our subdivision. The developer of The Coventry, Ryan Homes, created the deeds and all deed restrictions to ensure an appealing living environment for our subdivision. Part of the deed created our civic organization to maintain the front entrance landscaping and sign area of The Coventry, the collection of annual dues, and to ensure the deed restrictions are adhered to in order to maintain our property values.

    Over the years, our association has been active with the residents of The Coventry. We have maintained our neighborhood to the standards set forth in the deeds, and have served as liaisons for the residents. Our association has also been involved in the planning of surrounding developments to make sure our concerns are heard by those planning new expansion in the Hilliard/Columbus area. 

    As stated above, the deed restrictions were created by the developer of The Coventry for the homeowners in this subdivision. All owners of each of the 193 homes in all 3 phases of The Coventry subdivision are included in the 3 deeds and its restrictions and are automatically members of Hilliard-Rome Road Homeowners Association upon purchase.

    A summary of the deed restrictions can be found within the Document tab on this website. This list is only a summary of the official restrictions included in your deed. Please refer to your official deed for the exact legal wording of the restrictions. Enforcement of these restrictions is one of the primary responsibilities of HOA. It is our hope that informing residents of these restrictions will help prevent violations of these restrictions. Our focus is on prevention, but a deed violation enforcement policy and procedure and a violation reporting form has been created and placed on our website for all to use when it becomes necessary to address issues that community members feel are negatively affecting our property values.

    The restrictions listed in our deeds are in effect until the year 2029, at which time they will be voted on again and require a majority (51%) of homeowners voting to extend them another 10 years or expire at that time. There has been discussion regarding combining all 3 deeds to create 1 universal deed. In discussions with the HOA's attorney, the HOA has learned that deeds can be changed and/or combined with a 2/3 majority vote from all 193 homes within The Coventry approving the new document. We are currently in the process of working on this with the HOA's attorney.

    One final part of the association is our annual dues. Dues are used for official association business and activities which include: maintenance of the front entrance, enforcement of deed restrictions, neighborhood communication, committee support, neighborhood social functions, legal expenses, and other business expenses necessary in the execution of the duties of the board of trustees. The president and the secretary are the only 2 officers duly authorized to spend Association funds, while the treasurer is in charge of recording all such expenditures. Dues are outlined in the deed and are a requirement of every homeowner within The Coventry subdivision.

    We are happy you have chosen to live in The Coventry!

  • Elected Trustees and Officers

  • -President

    Brian Bogue
    Brian Bogue is the President and a Trustee for the HOA. Brian enjoys craft beers and helping others.
  • -Secretary

    David Connolly
    David Connolly is the Secretary for the HOA. David, his wife Mona, and their two daughters (now grown up and moved away) have called The Coventry home since January of 1990.
  • -Treasurer

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith is the Treasurer and a Trustee for the HOA. She and her family have lived in The Coventry since 2016. Rebecca is an Accounting Manager for a large law firm and she creates stained glass for her own business.
  • -Trustee

    Martha Hunley
    Martha Hunley is a Trustee for the HOA. Martha is a Commercial Realtor and has lived in The Coventry since 1990.
  • Volunteer Committee Chairs

    • Landscape Committee Chair

      Sharon Sunseri (Email: sunserish5190@gmail.com)

    • Neighborhood Watch Committee Chair

      Martha Hunley (Email: trustee.hunley@thecoventryonline.com)

    • Social Committee Chair

      Shelley Schalip (Email: trustee.schalip@thecoventryonline.com)

  • Coventry Address Boundaries

    2183 - 2234 Jeffey Drive; 5673 - 5772 Nike Drive; 2246 - 2254 Spindler Road; All Addresses Adidas Court; All Addresses Converse Court; All Addresses Clacton Court; All Addresses Gosforth Lane; All Addresses Hackney Court; All Addresses Jarrow Drive; All Addresses Jarrow Court; All Addresses Reebok Drive; All Addresses Saucony Drive

  • Territory Map